Phone: (301) 427-2470
Ann-Christine Zinkann joined NOAA in 2020 as a Sea Grant Knauss Fellow supporting GOMO’s ocean observing goals in the UN Decade, WMO and assisting the IAPRC secretariat. In her new role as an International Ocean Science Program Manager she will be working on the All-Atlantic Observing System (AtlantOS); Global Ocean Observing System Observations Coordination Group (OceanOPS); U.N. Decade; and GOMO Data Strategy.
Ann defended her dissertation at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in Marine Biology in December 2019. Her research was part of the AMBON (Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network) project in which she focused on Arctic food web dynamics using stable isotope analysis and food web modeling. She has a Master of Science degree in Biology from University of Hamburg, Germany, working on the ecology of holothurians along the Southern Polar Front using fatty acid and stable isotope measurements. During her academic career she has participated in a variety of research cruises in the Arctic, Antarctic and Atlantic Ocean.