NOAA’s Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program (GOMO) has released its inaugural Accomplishments Report for 2023. This report covers the many accomplishments that are paving the way toward meeting GOMO’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan objectives and strengthening the global ocean observing system and enterprise. Below is an excerpt from the Director’s Letter in the report:
“Throughout 2023, our community worked diligently to advance many of NOAA’s missions, including improving our understanding of ocean processes and enabling authoritative monitoring of global and regional changes in multiple Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) such as ocean temperature, currents, and ocean salinity. For the first time, GOMO led a focused field experiment, CHAOS, to more systematically assess the impact of ocean and atmospheric observations on hurricane forecasting. GOMO’s global leadership of ocean carbon observing continues to provide the foundation of existing products and knowledge. We are capitalizing on new applications of AI technologies and observing new types of ocean information (e.g., eDNA, phytoplankton). Finally, GOMO’s leadership in capacity building has blossomed to include support of dozens of early career research professionals and indigenous community members.”
– David M Legler, GOMO Director
We are pleased to share our program’s first Accomplishments Report with our community. Thank you to the GOMO community, our partners across NOAA and other federal agencies, OAR Laboratories, Cooperative Institutes, research institutions, and our other collaborators from the national and international ocean observing community!
Special thanks to GOMO’s 2023 Knauss Fellow Jesse Gwinn for her leadership and efforts developing this first ever GOMO Accomplishments Report!