Cox, C.J., M. Gallagher, M.D. Shupe, P.O.G. Persson, A. Solomon, C.W. Fairall, T. Ayers, B. Blomquist, I.M. Brooks, D. Costa, A. Grachev, D. Gottas, J. K. Hutchings, M. Kutchenreiter, J. Leach, S.M. Morris, V. Morris, J. Osborn, S. Pezoa, A. Preusser, L. Riihimaki, and T. Uttal (2023a), Continuous observations of the surface energy budget and meteorology over Arctic sea ice during MOSAiC, Nature Scientific Data.
Cox, C., A. Solomon, O. Persson, M. Shupe, M. Gallagher, V. Walden, M. Town, and D. Perovich (2023b), Resiliency of the sea ice to warming from early spring southerly advection. To be submitted, Geophys. Res. Lett.
Cox, C., Z. Lawrence, and S. Dahlke (2023c), Linkages between anomalous mid-April warming at MOSAiC and the evolution of the 2020 polar vortex. To be submitted, Elementa.
Day, J. et al. (inc T. Uttal, S. Morris) (in prep), The YOPP site Model Intercomparison Project (YOPPsiteMIP) phase 1: project overview and Arctic winter forecast evaluation. Earth System Dynamics.
Guy, H., I.M. Brooks, D.D. Turner, C.J. Cox, P.M. Rowe, M.D. Shupe, V.P. Walden, and R.R. Neely III (2023) Observations of fog-aerosol interactions over central Greenland, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, in review.
Intrieri, J., A. Solomon, C.J. Cox, O. Persson, G. de Boer, M. Hughes, A. Capatondi, and M. Shupe (2023) Evaluation of the NOAA Experimental Coupled Arctic Forecast System (CAFS), to be submitted, Frontiers
Morris, S.M. et al. (inc T. Uttal, C. Cox) (in prep) Special Observing Period (SOP) data for the Year of Polar Prediction site Model Intercomparison Project (YOPPsiteMIP), Earth System Science Data, submitted.
Neff, W., M.D. Shupe, C.J. Cox, and M. Gallagher (2023) Heat waves, hurricanes, atmospheric rivers, and the melting of Greenland, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, in prep.
Rabe et al. (inc. C.J. Cox, M.D. Shupe, O. Persson) (2023) The MOSAiC Distributed Network: an integrated system of autonomous ice-tethered buoys for multidisciplinary atmosphere, snow, ice and ocean observations, Elementa, in prep.
Riihimaki et al. (inc. C. Cox) (2023) Ocean Surface Radiation Best Practices, Frontiers in Marine Science, in prep.
Sledd, A., M. Shupe, A. Solomon, C. Cox, D. Perovich, and R. Lei (2023), Snow thermal conductivity and conductive fluxes in the Central Arctic: estimates from observations and implications for models. Elementa, in prep.
Solomon, A., M. D. Shupe, G. Svensson, N. P. Barton, Y. Batrak, E. Bazile, J. J. Day, J. D. Doyle, H. P. Frank, S. Keeley, T. Remes, M. Tolstykh (2022), An evaluation of short-term forecasts of wintertime boundary-layer and surface energy balance statistics in the Central Arctic. Elementa, accepted.
Thielke, L., M. Huntemann, G. Spreen, C.J. Cox, V. Ludwig, and M.D. Shupe (2023), Differences in sensible heat exchange based on satellite sub-footprint variability. Thesis chapter, PhD Dissertation, University of Bremen.
Uttal, T. et al. (inc S. Morris, C. Cox) (2023) Merged Observatory Data Files (MODFs): An integrated research data product supporting process oriented investigation and diagnostics. Nature Scientific Data, submitted.