Obtaining insights into sea ice changes in Polar Regions
Created in 2002 and updated daily, the Sea Ice Index provides a quick look at polar-wide changes in sea ice. Monthly Sea Ice Index images provide sea ice extent with an outline of the 30-year (1981-2010) median extent for that month, as well as sea ice concentration, anomalies, and trends in concentration. With over 3000 registered users, the Sea Ice Index has achieved broad recognition as a top data product for sea ice trends and analyses since its inception. The data has many publication and policy-related impacts, including being used in the annual sea ice essay in the NOAA Arctic Report Card and aiding NOAA Fisheries in identifying critical habitat boundaries for endangered Arctic seal species. The Sea Ice Index also serves as a critical outreach tool on the impacts of sea ice extent, and is used in high school classrooms and NOAA’s Science on a Sphere. It is also considered the authoritative source on Arctic sea ice extent for major news outlets and the Congressional Research Service.